
sail away with me honey.

its rainy again today.
&& i am sunflower dreamin'

i just want to celebrate. with the people i love.

i keep forgetting my camera when i go places.
which is unfortunate. because i love having photos.
so i guess i'll have to write.
i had a rather smashing weekend.
usually Saturdays can be a downer. but not this one!
Sarah and Selah and myself went thrifting in Eastridge.
and we found this thrift store where EVERYTHING WAS 50% OFF!
oh my goodness you know i was having a field day.
at the register I would ask "how much is this now...?" for every item
and she would respond "$1" or "$1.50" and i would squeal with excitement
i walked out of there with an end table ($5), a comforter, pillows, new shoes, pyrex bakeware, and a new travel bag for under fifteen dollars! and the end table i cannot wait to paint, it is nothing short of fantastic. ahhhh i love it! i think i am more overjoyed with the excitement of restoring it. then we printed off coupons for mellow mushroom where we delighted in pizza (we got a large for the price of a medium) and a movie! thanks chattanoogafun.com ! we watched red riding hood. which was probably the most awful movie i have ever watched. boo. but it was ok. i indulged in dr. pepper, which is my guilty pleasure pop.

roomie love.
camped out. danced in the sunshine.
enjoyed the stillness of the stars.
picnicked at Coolidge. the river sparkled.
hiked a little bit. fellowshipped.

life is good when your skirt has pockets.

dance all night. dance all night to this dj.
sundown to sunrise.


and tonight my dance is all about you

eat drink and be merry
for tomorrow will die.
why would you care,
to get out of this place?
you and me and all our friends
such a happy human race.

i was working today
with nichole at Tangerina's
dave came on the radio
and i just about lost it....
all the wonderfulness of last summer
flooded back into my heart.
the sun
the goodstuff
the hammocks
the love love love
all the things i want to make sure i never take for granted. ever.
but appropriately so.
it may be the simplest of things
but really they make me, me.
showerless weeks
lots of sun.
burnt skin

pick me up from the bottom,
love it up everyday

ok i am going to say it: you were all right
the mountains are not really my thing
i need the beach.
i am a beach bum,
my hair needs to be nappy
and i wan to feel free again.
i cannot say the mountains are doing it for me.
i just cannot be fully me here.
and no one can quite understand the struggle.

sometimes it is hard because things just aren't how they were.
and when things were good, it's hard to let it go.
why can i not let go?

i just miss my loves.
wow. thanks blog, you made me cry.
that was needed.
it really was.

sitting, smoking. feeling high.
drink some wine until, we get drunk.
is this real. or am i dreaming?

i feel like lately i have been taking a lot of beatings. the world keeps throwing punches. and it is getting harder and harder to not feel a little bruised. ha. that sounded so emo. but really it is just one thing after another. this semester ahhhhh! it just needs to be over. i don't want to be here anymore. i want to hear your song God, but at the same time i kind of want to sing my own for a while. i just feel sometimes i cannot be my age. i feel like an 80 year old woman. what is it like to be 20? what is it like to fall on my face. what is it like to indulge? i am pretty sure i have enough anxiety for a 35 year old, what are the worries of a normal 19 year old? what is it like to be a normal college student? am i robbing myself of these years? i cannot help but think that sometimes. have i worked myself into oblivion?

a lot of time my mind is still wandering through the wildflowers right before the bridge overlooking the sound, watching the sunset. that freeing time by myself. or those early mornings paddleboarding before the sunrise with the dolphins in pensacola. i miss floating on the dock at 3am. i miss night runs, and my secret outside shower overlooking the crashing of the ocean and the sound.

i am so ready
for summer.

stay up and make some memories

take me home.
i could never love again,
so much as i love you.
excuse me please, one more drink
could you make it strong because i don't need to think