
free my brain. i'm alive in the sun.

note to self: read blue like jazz again

i love beautiful things.
for no reason at all,
just simply,
i love beauty.
and i realized the other day it had been a while
since i took the time to simply admire.
to just appreciate the beautiful things
of my life right now.
since i just danced to danced.
created a boquet.
took a nap in the sun,
went for a discovery walk.
crawled through an underground tunnel.
played in the dirt.
counted the stars
cut out pictures i liked,
dreamed aloud
read a book for pleasure
wrote a short story,
wrote a poem,
changed my opinion about something
mixed paints together with my fingers,
invited change
collected fallen leaves.

and i think these are the things that make you the most alive.

(i like those words a lot)

i don't live in reality.
that is what i am finding.

the areas of my life that reflect that ...
well mainly my financial one.
oh and the one involving time.

yeah i am always late,
always over drafting.

you could ask me if i could drive to

arkansas in one day or less,

and i would say yes.

easily a day trip.

the world is much closer together in my reality.

i don't use a brush
i don't need sleep
i'd rather buy art and tat up than eat.

counseling i think makes me more crazy
i live in an emotional world,
i jump for joy in my extreme highs,
and mourn and hurt in my lows.

"steph, maybe this hurt, torn, really huge disappointed feeling - this experience of loss, is one of growth. forcing limits." - a person i highly admire.

this photo made my heart sing
how tender a moment
a mom and her little boy.
[i want 5 boys.]

this is my newmantra.
to live in the now.
to not expect anything from the day,
and to just be.

i am all about lions these days.

time for some rest.
oh and some dance.

last thought
i really do not know how
to let people care
for me

peace yall.

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