
tuesday night at sluggo's

tonight i let myself be gripped by lyrics of a song.

i drove home the long way
played the song again and again
and i cried.

what i can't understand,
what i can't express,
what i can't get others to understand,
what i can't believe.
what i can't accept.

how do you explain it will all be ok, when there is no understanding of safety.
how do you tell babygirl in the morning there will be dancing,
when her best friend was stabbed in the heart the purest hours of the morning?

"we are all so young, and all so alone.
we ain't even old enough
to realize we on our own."

what happens when you have lost heart
too desperate to even fall on your knees to pray
how do i make these cries aloud?

1 comment:

  1. http://vimeo.com/18356414
    have you seen this???
    Lets get it and watch it together!
