
&& we jammed to the beat of a child.

babysitting//mothering. yes.
fingerpainting. yes.
imagination. yes.
popsicles. yes.
clean up time? hell no.

i am amazed at how much she has taught me.
i am so exhausted right now,
i doubt anything
i try to say will be profound or life changing.
so how about pictures instead?
[Zahria and Steph's art gallery.]
[mom would KILL me if she knew i got paint on the porch...ooops!]

I don't find it radical that i want to love, would rather love.

and that is me and my final thought of the night.


1 comment:

  1. You are just delightful! This is kellis by the way, can we follow eachother's blog?!

    SO FUN.

    Love you!

    Oh by the way, I love your layout so I went to the site and got one on the same site. stealing you style? possibly. Just as long as I'm not crampin'! GIRL GIRL!
